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Getting to the lake for 6.30am was important. At this time, just before sunrise, the lake has a layer of fog partially obscuring its surface. When dawn breaks, the effect is like a poor man’s Northern Lights except it’s not in the sky. And not green. But it’s still impressive.
We arrived when it was still dark and freezing cold. Our hesitations are heightened because the walk to the lakeshore isn’t exactly a light stroll; it’s about half a mile. Carrying an oak bass drum, let alone an entire kit, is little different from carrying a chest of draws. Half a mile doesn’t sound very far but, in reality, it is - especially when you can’t see where you’re going.
At the lake, there’s no fog. None. Not even a whisper. We set the kit up by the edge of the water and wait.
Read the full article in Issue Six >
Copyright © The Drummer’s Journal 2013
The proprietors and contributors to The Drummer’s Journal have asserted their right under the Copyright Designs and Patens Act 1988 to be identified as the owners and authors of this work.
Getting to the lake for 6.30am was important. At this time, just before sunrise, the lake has a layer of fog partially obscuring its surface. When dawn breaks, the effect is like a poor man’s Northern Lights except it’s not in the sky. And not green. But it’s still impressive.
We arrived when it was still dark and freezing cold. Our hesitations are heightened because the walk to the lakeshore isn’t exactly a light stroll; it’s about half a mile. Carrying an oak bass drum, let alone an entire kit, is little different from carrying a chest of draws. Half a mile doesn’t sound very far but, in reality, it is - especially when you can’t see where you’re going.
At the lake, there’s no fog. None. Not even a whisper. We set the kit up by the edge of the water and wait.
Read the full article in Issue Six >
Copyright © The Drummer’s Journal 2013
The proprietors and contributors to The Drummer’s Journal have asserted their right under the Copyright Designs and Patens Act 1988 to be identified as the owners and authors of this work.